September 12, 2013

STYLE: Fun Flats

I love few things more than the ease of slipping on a pair of shoes without using my hands. I mean, I know it's a simple thing, and maybe doesn't seem worthy of such acclaim, but almost every day I can put my shoes on my feet in a nanosecond (a slight exaggeration) while simultaneously walking to the door and slinging my purse across my shoulder. I almost never have to bend at the waist or put any thought into my shoe-putting-on. Life's little pleasures! When summer winds down, often the hardest part for me is adjusting to the more elaborate fall footwear and the socks that go with it. It becomes such a process! Sitting, lacing, the whole nine. WHO HAS THE TIME? I'm keeping the foot freedom going with a never-ending parade of flats, and these fun printed, studded and animal-adorned numbers are totally crush worthy. Don't you agree?

1  //  2  //  3  //  4  //  5  //  6  //  7
 Don't you kind of want to become a kindergarten teacher just so you can show up in those pencil flats on your first day and be all "oh, these old things?" while everyone nods gently because they know that you are the best kindergarten teacher to ever wield a pack of washable Crayolas? Me too!
8  //  9  //  10  //  11
Those yellow numbers above are HANDMADE on Etsy, and are suddenly making me feel inadequate for not making my own shoes.
12  //  13  //  14  //  15  //  16  //  17  //  18  //  19  //  20  //  21  //  22  //  23

I just cannot deal with boots yet and I kind of never want to wear a heel again lately. Flats forever! Are you switching up your seasonal footwear? Are you one of those crazy ladies that "feels better" in stilettos? Are you just dying to get some foxes or bunny ears all up on your feet?



  1. Yes yes yes, to everything in this post.

    (Also, the bit about the kindergarten teacher in the pencil flats. GENIUS. I want to be that kind of teacher.)

    I actually own pair #20. They have horrible traction, but run wide, which is a bit nice.

    I'm really in need of the perfect pair of cat/dog/animal flats... those Fox ones are pretty darned cute.

    1. Seriously, those pencil flats inspire a career change! Flats with bad traction are the worst. Hope you find your ideal animal flats! xo

  2. I'm in love with that 10th pair of flats. SO PRETTY! As much as I love heels, I live in Washington, DC where to sidewalks are all cobbled and eat up your heels for dinner. Flats are perfect for every 9-5er. Great post!

    xo Deborah
    Coffee, Prose and Pretty Clothes

    1. Yes, #10 is one of my favorites, too! So cute. I hear you on the cobbled sidewalk business. Flats are just SO much easier! xo

  3. I love, love, love flats! I cannot imagine myself working at H&M with anything other than flats! You chose some really pretty ones! I adore the colors! :)

    1. Thank you! Oh, I can only imagine H&M with uncomfortable shoes...torture! xo

  4. omg!!! everything is just soooooo cute!!!! i can't even pick a favourite!! everything is just lovely!!

    Animated Confessions

  5. ooh I want all of them!
    especially the bunny ones
    too adorable and since its in black, it goes with everything!

    The Sweetest Escape 

    1. Agreed! The bunny ones are some of my favorites and they would totally go with everything! xo

  6. Ohhhhh, you have the best taste! These are all completely adorable. Fourteen, fifteen, and twenty two are my favorites. That fox is PRECIOUS. Following you now! (:

    May the Force be with you.

    1. Wow, thank you! Agreed, those fox flats are seriously adorable! xo

  7. Those pencil flats are PERFECT for a teacher! I'll have to share them with my teacher friends.
    grey et al

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